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Testimonial : The Pros

The Pros

Dear Job Canada:

I will be honest I was skeptical about using the Internet for advertising for jobs, but after our success I will have to admit I am no longer skeptical. This has turned out to be the best source for want ads I have come across. We, my company and I, were looking for a low cost alternative to advertising in the daily papers when your Internet site was mentioned to us, we debated over this issue and decided that we had nothing to loose by giving the internet a try. I am very glad we did. Thanks to this website my company was able to hire enough people to fill our needs. Next time we need help this will be our first choice.

For any company looking for help my recommendation is to advertise with you. We found success so can you.

Michael Bloomer - President

Job Seekers


Employer Satisfaction
100% Guaranteed!

Job Canada

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