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Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I know which ads are old and which ones are new?
  2. Can I change the subject line of the e-mail when I click on a link?
  3. Why does Job Canada Carbon Copy e-mails?
  4. My form was blank when I hit the back button! Help!

How do I know which ads are old and which ones are new?

That's easy! No ads are old. is updated daily with new and old positions posted/removed daily.

Can I change the subject line of the e-mail when I click on a link?

Let the employer know where you saw their ad and what position you are seeking. The same goes for faxing and calling. This information is very important to advertisers.

Why does Job Canada Carbon Copy e-mails?

In the past, some advertisers have experienced computer and e-mail problems during the run of an ad and have lost resumes that were sent to them.

If you do not remove the Carbon Copy (a lot of people do) we will receive a copy of what you've sent, and in the event they have problems, we will send them your resume. Therefore we STRONGLY recommend leaving the carbon copy as is. If you are using a hotmail or other web-based account you can simply enter in your CCline.

My form was blank when I hit the back button! Help!

Click here for instructions on how to correct this problem.

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