1. Jewellery Making by Murray Bovin. The author presents the beginner and the experienced craftsman with the most advanced methods for creating handmade jewellery in a concise, beautifully printed, illustrated 287 page, soft cover book.2. Silversmithing And Art Metal by Murray Bovin. For tradesmen, schools and craftsmen. A soft cover book with over 300 illustrations, this excellent book thoroughly ocvers all aspects of silver smithing and art metal work. 176 pages. 3. Centrifugal or Lost Wax Casting by Murray Bovin. A must for beginners and a valuable asset for the experienced craftsman. Thoroughly covers all aspects of centrifugal and lost wax casting. Tells many trade secrets used by professional casters. Chapters on casting waxes, mold making, sprueing, investing and burnout. Illustrated with over 152 photos. 144 pages. Soft cover.
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4. Practical Casting by Tim McCreight. A great reference tool for jewellers, craftsmen, metalsmiths and students. Concisely explains and illustrates the many aspects of small scale casting with comprehension and clarity. A complete appendix includes charts and tables not available elsewhere. Topics covered include chapters on tradidional lost wax casting, model making, investing and burnout. Also included are methods of sand casting, cuttlefish and charcoal casting and the use of rubber molds. A concise guide to safety makes this book complete. Soft cover, 122 pages.5. Jewelry Concepts and Technology by Oppi Untracht. The definitive guide and handbook for jewellery makers at all levels. This huge book was 10 years in the making and the result is the most comprehensive jewellery making book in the world. Contains work from 300 jewellers from 26 countries, 300 illustrations and 900 photos. Hard cover. 840 pages. 6. Complete Metalsmith by Tim McCreight. A very practical book covering materials, techniques, tools and useful tips on working with metal. Each page is devoted to a single technique with concise text and illustrations. Encyclopedia format provides access to over 124 charts, techniques and tables, including properties of gem stones and how to set them. Soft cover, 2500 illustrations. 192 pages.
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7. Basic Wax Modelling: An Adventure in Creativity by Hiroshi Tsuyuki. 11 basic projects are presented. Each one is designed to teach the use of certain tools and different types of waxes in a progressive manner. Contains 149 explicit, step by step illustrations or photographs. 106 pages. Hard cover.8. Practical Wax Modeling: Advanced Techniques For Wax Modelers by Hiroshi Tsuyuki & Yoko Ohba. An instructional book which introduces new wax modelling techniques and demonstrates them. It also covers the Japanese technique, mitsuro, combination of waxes and its uses. Contains 20 projects designed for the progressive product designer, illustrated with more than 400 photographs or illustrations. 140 pages. Soft cover. 9. Diamond Setting: The Professional Approach by Robert R. Wooding. An important reference book containing information such as preparation, selection, use of tools and step by step guides to working with a variety of cuts in may settings. Contains 100 illustrations. Hard cover. 176 pages.
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Jeweler's Resource: A Reference of Gems, Metals, Formulas And Terminology for Jewelers by Bruce Knuth. Written as a unique and practical tool for the bench jeweller or student. Serves as the most complete reference available. Easy to follow text and illustrations explain many aspects of gem and jewellery to the consumer. 112 pages. Soft cover.
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The Flexible Shaft Machine by Harold )'Connor. A steb by step instructional manual covering the various uses for the flex shaft machine. Contains information on may types of machines, handpieces and accessories, including abrasives and burs. Many photos and hundreds of illustrations. Soft cover. 47 pages.
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12. The Basics of Bead Stringing by Mel Anderson. 11th new, revised edition. A great referesher course for professionals and a fully illustrated how-to guide for beginners. Includes chapters on basic bead necklaces, tool and material selecteion, hand knotting necklaces and alternate endings. With helpful tips on redrilling and enlarging bead holes. 56 pages. Soft cover.13. El Oro (Tomo 1) Esta obra esta dedicada, exclusivamente, al oro. En este aspecto, es mucho mas completa que la descrita anteriormente. Uno de los metales comunes en las aleaciones oro/plata/cobre. Consta de 21 capitulos, algunos de los cuales se citan a continuacion. 089 paginas. 14. La Plata En El Taller Como ya es sabido, la literatura technica dedicada a la joyeria en general, es escasa en el mayoria de paises y totalmente inexistente en otros; en lo que se refire a la plata, todavia es mas. 310 paginas.
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