10X Triplet Loupes Colour corrected, aplanatic, achromatic solid triplet lens. Large 18mm field of vision permits fatique free use. Supplied in handsome leather case. 1. chrome plated 2. goldtone 3. black velvet 4.rubber coated, chrome 5. rubber coated goldtone 18mm triplet lens (loose) also available.
item #1 - 5
20X Quad Lens Loupe 14mm colour corrected, aplanatic, achromatic. Supplied in handsome leather case.
item #6
Hexagon 10X Triplet The ultimate in triplet loupe design. Extra large 20.5mm field of vision. Aplanatic, achromatic and colour corrected. 7. matte silver & black 8. goldtone & black
item #7 - 8
Large View Economical Loupe 23mm 10X doublet lens mounted in a handsome chrome plated case.
item #9
Doublet Loupe Economical 15mm chrome plated 10x loupe.
item #10
Eye Cup Loupe Economical, precision ground glass lens. Set in lightweight plastic frame. 2" focus or 3" focus.
item #11
Chains for Loupes Strong, plated neckchains, hang loupes in the most convienient positions. Prevents lost loupes.
item #12
Genuine Original OptiVISOR Available in the following:
- 20" range 1.5x magnification
- 14" range 1.75x magnification
- 12" range 2x magnification
- 8" range 2.5x magnification
- 6" range 2.75x magnification
4" range 3.5x magnification. Optivisor is available without lens.
item #13
OptiVISOR Replacement lens.
item #14
OPTILOUPE Attachable, auxiliary lens fits either eye for additional magnification.
item #15
Professional Microscope
- 10x & 30x magnification
- 1x & 3x objective with 10x magnification
- Optical 15x & 45x or 20 x & 60x magnification
- True darkfield illumination
- Achromatic, anti reflection coated optics
- Metal gem holder
- Fully adjustable 45 angled binocular
- Eye width adjustment between 51mm & 75mm
- Dual black and white stages
- Dust cover
- Many, many more features.
Comes in 110 volts or 220 volts. Also available, 15x & 45x lenses and 20x & 60x lenses.
item #16